Thank you for signing up! Your Goat Feed Calculators are on their way to your email, but first we have something special for you!
Get The G.O.A.T Herd Management System For Only $17
Powered by Data443 Evergreen Countdown
Since you are interested in getting your herds feed costs calculated, we thought that you might also enjoy keeping that herd well maintained without missing a beat. So, we want to give you a super special offer as a thanks for signing up.
In The G.O.A.T. Herd Management System You'll Get-
- Record Keeping sheets to keep your herd on track - health records, milk records, herd at a glance and more.
- Calculators for Routine Herd Care - hoof trimming, CDT, kidding due dates so that all you do is plug in your goats name and last check and you will get the next date automatically calculated for you so that you can easily add it to your calendar.
- Inventory and Supply sheets and checklists so that you know exactly what supplies you should have on hand and can keep track so that you are always prepared.
- Daily, Weekly and Seasonal tasks and to-do's so that you can easily keep up with what your herd needs exactly when they need it.
- The easy to follow, exclusive GLAD Goat Health Check System to ensure you never miss a health issue. With Bonus Symptom Checker to help guide you on any potential health issues you identify.
Regular Price $47.00
Don’t miss out! Grab your copy now!