Tired of Worrying What Your Goats Are Going to Get into Next?
The G.O.A.T. Herd Management System can help you easily keep your herds health, records and daily maintenance in check without missing a beat.
Raise Your Hand if You've Had Your Goats....
- fall sick with worms that could have been caught a little sooner with a Famancha check that you thought you had done, but hadn't.
- run out of hay, minerals or other supplies on a weekend at night so that you had to wait a day to get them more.
- records looking an absolute mess with notes spread out here and there causing it to be super difficult to keep up with regular maintenance.
Look, raising goats can be super rewarding, but it is also A LOT of work. Add to that the other things you have going on like perhaps: a full time job, kids, garden planting and harvests, other homestead animals and, oh yeah....the pesky need to eat and sleep once in a while.
It can be easy to forget or overlook things that your herd needs. The G.O.A.T Herd Management System is designed to do all the tracking for you so that you can maintain a happy and healthy herd and not lose any sleep (except, maybe during kidding season - doe code and all, ya know!).
Normal Price: $115
Stay Organized & Know Exactly What Your Herd Needs & When They Need It.
The G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time, y'all!) Herd Management System
Keeping your herd well maintained and staying ahead of health issues doesn't have to be stressful. But, it certainly can be if you don't have a routine.
We have all been there - the sick goat that might have been easier to nurse back to health with the proper medical supplies. Or, the missed hoof trims because, oops - you forgot when the last ones were done.
Get your herd records in order, set a routine and keep it going by following this easy herd management system to track the most important stuff without having to figure out what records to keep and where to keep them.
Included in the G.O.A.T Herd Management System You'll Get...
Record keeping sheets ($30 value) - many of which autocalculate dates for you so that you never miss another routine health check and always know your goats health history. Included are: Herd at a Glance, Goat Health Records, CDT shot schedules, Kidding Calculators, Hoof Trimming Calculators, Milk Records, Supply Inventory Calculators and more.
Checklists and Supply Lists ($15 value) - so that you never run out of any important supplies again. Included are: Goat Daily Care Sheets, Baby Goat Care Sheets, Medical Supply Checklists, and more.
the GLAD health check system ($10 value) - an exclusive system we use to make sure EVERY SINGLE goat is in optimal health at all times.
BONUS: Goat Feed Calculators ($15 value) - a three tab workbook (spreadsheet) that will walk you through how much hay and grain (or other feed) you use and how much it costs you by the week, month and year. As well as sheets to help you figure out how much feed and hay you are using per goat and a tracker for your actual feed purchases.
BONUS: Video Tutorial ($45 value) - 3 video tutorials for a total of over 30 minutes to show you the exact steps of how to utilize all the worksheets so that you can get your herd on track easily.
Total value for all the checklists, calculators and more is $115
Get it today for :
Don't miss out. Stop the overwhelm and don't miss another hoof trim or CDT shot with The G.O.A.T. Herd Management System so that raising your goats is easy and not stressful.
Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not offered.
If you have any questions that we did not cover, please shoot us an email at [email protected] and we will get them answered for you right away!