Ready to take your homestead to the next level even if you don't have much time?
The Jumpstart Your Homestead Bundle will help you start (or restart), grow, and maintain your homestead regardless of where you are in your journey .

Hello Homesteader, tell me, have you ever...
- gotten stuck on how to get started on your next self sufficient goal?
- started too many projects and ended up with a half fenced field, your chicken coop without a roof, and no feed bin for your feed?
- had more animals to feed than budget to feed them
- wanted to create a more organized and manageable path to whatever your homesteading goals may be
Whether you are just getting started or already have some experience (maybe you're an avid gardener or keep a healthy backyard flock), the path to a smooth running homestead can sometimes be anything but smooth.
The Jumpstart Your Homestead Bundle can help you achieve your dreams by creating easy to follow processes, plans, and systems to keep your homestead burning bright instead of you burning out.
Get Organized & Informed So You Know Exactly What Your Homestead Needs To Succeed

Jumpstart Your Homestead: A Complete Homestead Management System
Running your homestead and becoming more self sufficient is supposed to relieve stress not increase it.
But, for most of us, there are more to-dos than there is time to-do them; let alone learn how to treat a sick chicken, assist a goat giving birth, and grow a healthy garden (all at the same time, mind you).
However, you can stop worrying about those mystery chicken illnesses or exactly how far apart you should plant your tomato plants and start managing your homestead in a way that prepares and checks for issues BEFORE they happen so that you know what to do, when to do it, and stop wasting time running in circles.
Get your homestead in order and keep it that way by utilizing this DONE-FOR-YOU bundle full of all our top homesteading hacks without you having to spend countless hours scouring the internet for every little thing that pops up.
Included in the Jumpstart Your Homestead Bundle you'll get....
The Fruitful Homesteader ($9 value) - Turn those goals into smooth running, well oiled projects that you actually get to complete without running around like a chicken with your head cut off.
You’ll get:
• The Goal & Project Planning Workbook. A 21 page PDF workbook where you'll learn how to set achievable goals and turn them into well planned projects.
• Homestead Planner workbook where you'll take your goals and projects and disperse them over the months, weeks and days so that you have a solid, workable schedule for getting everything done.
• Walkthrough videos for both workbooks with examples and tips so that you can fill them out easily.
Profitable Homesteading ($17 Value) - Save time and feel confident knowing that your homestead won't just be an added stressful expense by using this already tested, proven system that has already worked for many other homesteaders.
You’ll get:
• Profit Projection Worksheets - figure out what your estimated profit can be by plugging in different product and expense scenarios. By utilizing these worksheets you can ensure you know what you need to produce and for what price in order to achieve a profitable homestead business BEFORE you get started.
• Profit Tracking Worksheets - accurately track your actual revenue, expenses and profit. Just input your numbers and the worksheets automatically calculate everything for you.
• Walkthrough Videos - almost 30 minutes of video walk through and demonstration. These will show you how to BEST USE and TAKE ADVANTAGE of the worksheets so that you can get the most out of them.
• Keys to Profitable Homesteading Guide - a two page guide to ensure you understand the basic building blocks for a successaful homestead business. Learn about markets, pricing, diversified revenue streams and more.
The Ultimate Gardening Calculators ($17 Value) - Get your entire gardening planned, from number of seeds, required space, exact harvest dates, and even expected harvest, automatically at the click of a button. You’ll get:
• Crop Amount Calculators- to automatically tell you how much of each crop to plant based on how big of a harvest you want.
• Plug in Play Planting Schedules - based on your desired crops and your areas first and last frost date and soil temperatures. You'll get dates for starting seeds inside, transplanting, direct sewing, estimated germination and harvesting auto-generated so that you are always ready for the next step in your garden.
• How Much Space Calculators - find the exact amount of row space, square foot boxes or containers you need based on how many plants you are planting.
Raising Chickens e-course ($12 Value) - Learn everything you need to know to keep your baby chicks happy and healthy until they are ready for outside coop life. You’ll get:
• Basic Chicken Terminology - Demystify the chicken world with a comprehensive list of commonly used terms.
• How to Choose Your First Chickens - Learn what to look for when picking out the chickens that will make up your flock based on size, hardiness, laying frequency, and more.
• How to Incubate Eggs - You can become the mama hen and learn how to start hatching chicks on your own.
• How to Brood Chicks - Keep your baby chicks happy, healthy, and thriving with these easy to learn and follow best chick brooding tactics.
• Common Chick Issues & How to Treat - Tackle any issue your chicks can throw at you, from pasty butt to straddle leg, nothing will catch you unprepared.
• Coop & Run Basics - Everything your chicks are going to need to stay safe and secure once they are strong enough to start living outdoor coop life.
• Basic Daily Care Routines - Stay ahead of any injuries or potential health problems before they can start with these easy to follow daily care routines.
The Organized Chicken Keeper ($11 Value) - Get your flock records in order and keep them that way by following this easy system to track the important stuff without having to make all the forms and figure out what you should be paying attention to. You’ll get:
• The Simplified Flock Management System ($15 value) - 20 pages of record keeping sheets, inventory tracking sheets and checklists to streamline your day to day chicken keeping experience. Included are: Flock at a glance pages, Egg Tracker sheets, Chicken Health Records, Brooding supply and inventory trackers, Seasonal Flock Tasks and much more.
• Chicken Feed Calculators ($7 Value) - a three tab workbook (spreadsheet) to help you calculate the amount of feed you need for your current (or expanding) flock, how much your feed will cost, Actual Feed Usage Tracker and Chicken Expenses Tracking so that you can accurately predict and track what you are spending on your flock to prevent surprise feed bills.
• Decrease Your Feed Guide & Comprehensive Chicken Treat Cheatsheet ($5 Value) - a 7 page guide to how to start fermenting your own chicken feed (plus 4 other bonus ways to save money on feed). And a comprehensive list of foods that are safe and unsafe for your chickens to eat so that you never have to wonder what treats they can have again.
Raising Goats e-course ($9 Value) - You can learn the basics for raising goats quickly and easily so that you can focus on your new goats!
You’ll get:
• Goat Terminology - Become familiar with common goat terms and phrases.
• Picking Your First Goats - Figure out what goat breed is best for your goals, resources & situation.
• How To Find A Reputable Goat Breeder - Make a smart decision on where to purchase your first goats from.
• What You Should Look For In A Goat - Decide what qualities are most important for the specific goats you are going to get.
• Preparing A Space For Your Goats - Get their housing and outside area ready all within your time, budget and resource constraints.
• Essential Goat Care Supplies - Gather all of the necessary supplies to take care of your new goats.
• Stay Ahead Of The Curve - Learn what daily care and routine maintenance your new goats will need.
G.O.A.T. Herd Management System ($11 Value) - Get your herd records in order, set a routine and keep it going by following this easy herd management system to track the most important stuff without having to figure out what records to keep and where to keep them. You’ll get:
• Record keeping sheets - many of which autocalculate dates for you so that you never miss another routine health check and always know your goats health history. Included are: Herd at a Glance, Goat Health Records, CDT shot schedules, Kidding Calculators, Hoof Trimming Calculators, Milk Records, Supply Inventory Calculators and more.
• Checklists and Supply Lists - so that you never run out of any important supplies again. Included are: Goat Daily Care Sheets, Baby Goat Care Sheets, Medical Supply Checklists, and more.
• The GLAD health check system - an exclusive system we use to make sure EVERY SINGLE goat is in optimal health at all times.
• Goat Feed Calculators - a three tab workbook (spreadsheet) that will walk you through how much hay and grain (or other feed) you use and how much it costs you by the week, month and year. As well as sheets to help you figure out how much feed and hay you are using per goat and a tracker for your actual feed purchases.
Goat Breeding Planner ($9 Value) - This way you can start your goat breeding program with the basics already in place without having to fumble your way through learning what you may need. You’ll get:
• Why Should You Start Breeding Goats? - Become familiar with the main benefits/reasons to start goat breeding.
• Decoding Goat DNA - Figure out what how to choose the right breeding stock for your goals, resources & situation.
• Genetic Records Workbook - Make a smart decision on how to make breeding decisions including an easy breeding chart to keep records with.
• How To Help A Goat Kid - Prepare for kidding with tips and information on how to assist with kidding and when that is needed.
• Essential Goat Kidding Supply Checklist - Gather all of the supplies necessary for care of your goats pre, during and post kidding.
• How To Turn A Profit With Your Passion - Learn how to price and advertise your baby goats for sale.
Start actively and effectively managing your homestead to keep your dream as something you love without ir turning into a soul sucking nightmare with the Jumpstart Your Homestead Bundle.
Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not offered.
If you have any questions that we did not cover, please shoot us an email at [email protected] and we will get them answered for you right away!