Our porcelain silkies breeding pen has two porcelain roosters over ten porcelain hens. Our porcelain silkies originally come from Catdance silkie lines. We have porcelain silkie chicks available for sale.

Porcelain Silkie Rooster.
Porcelain Silkies are essentially a mix of the lavender and buff colors. They have a lavender base with buff color across the wings and back. They are also called blue cream silkies. Unfortunately, the name blue cream silkies has led some people to breed blue silkies into their lines which results in a non-standard color for this color variation.
Blue cream silkies or Porcelain silkies are still a project color, so chicks may hatch with a bit of variation in their coloring. They can have varying degrees and amounts of buff or lavender on them. Like all other silkies, they still should have five toes and feathered legs and feet. Additionally, they can have beards, muffs and crests.

Beautifully colored young porcelain silkie hen.

Porcelain silkie hen heavy buff (she has lavender undertones)
We regularly have porcelain silkie chicks available for Sale. Current availability depends on how well the girls are laying, time of year and other others. Shoot us an email to ask about availability. Or order directly on our store. Local pickup or shipping is available