So, you have decided that you want to start couponing but, you aren't sure where to find coupons. It may seem overwhelming, believe me, I understand!
When I first started couponing and had to learn all of the couponing terminology, all of the different store rules and everything else involved with couponing it seemed like I may never master it all!
Once you dive in, and learn the basics, couponing will seem easy and maybe even fun! But, of course, to start you have to know where to find coupons!
Figuring out how to get coupons is really pretty easy. There are 4 main coupon sources which can provide you with more than enough coupons to start saving lots of money!
Knowing where to find coupons will assure that you can always get the best deals on your favorite and must-have products!
So, what are the top 4 coupon sources if you want to know where to get coupons?
Newspaper Inserts
One of the best coupon sources are Sunday newspaper inserts. Almost every Sunday (with the exception of some holiday weeks) you will find coupons inserts in your newspaper.
These coupon inserts are: SmartSource (SS), Red Plum (RP) and once a month Proctor & Gamble (P&G).
Sunday coupon inserts are PACKED FULL of coupons!
These newspaper inserts are typically several page booklets that have coupons on every inch of every page. It is one of the best coupon sources.
If you are going to narrow done to one place for where to get coupons, newspaper inserts should be the one!
Online Printables
If you are looking for where to find coupons that might have a bigger selection that the Sunday coupon inserts, you should try online coupons, sometimes called printables.
Of course there are certain coupon sites that are a large collection of coupons, for example:, or
Sites like these are all great coupon sources. But, if you are looking at how to get coupons for less common items you won't likely find them on the bigger coupon sites.
Online printables are, however, where to find coupons for some of your favorite, less common items though. Many, but not all, manufacturers will offer coupons on their websites.
So if you want to know where to get coupons for your favorite brands or items, I suggest looking at manufacturer sites specifically.
Another coupon source is actually in stores. There are a variety of coupon sources in store such as blinkies, tear pads, peelies, and in store ads.
Basically, if you are looking for where to find coupons in stores, just take a literal look around the store. Often times you will find coupons actually on the products (peelies).
Other times you will find a little coupon dispensing machine (blinkie).
And sometimes you will find a pad of coupons (tear pads) set up on the aisle next to products.
The one downfall to getting coupons in-store is you usually don't know ahead of time which coupons will be there. That means you can't pre-plan those purchases. Unless you take a few of the coupons when you find them and save them for a later trip 😉
I always look at this as a sort of bonus way on how to find coupons since it is not always one of the guaranteed coupon sources.
I suppose that apps could fall in the bucket of online coupons when talking about where to find coupons. However, since coupons on apps typically aren't something that you print out and physically take into the store, I felt they should get their own mention as one of the coupon sources.
There are SO many awesome and cool couponing apps out there now. I may be dating myself, but when I started couponing, - couponing apps weren't really a thing!
With couponing apps it makes it easy because when you want to figure out where to find coupons - they are all in one place. Many stores have their own apps.
For example, I shop at Kroger regularly. They have a coupon app that links directly to your rewards card. All you do is login, "load" your desired coupons to your card and they automatically deduct at checkout if you buy the products!
How cool and simple is that?
These 4 main coupon sources are, obviously not the ONLY ways to find coupons. Sometimes you can get coupons mailed to you, for example.
But if you are looking for easy ways to figure out where to get coupons and how to find coupons that will be reliable. These are great places to go to.
Once you've mastered where to find coupons, you can start diving in to your couponing journey and planning your first couponing trip! Or even starting to think about your coupon stockpile.
Ready to have your first successful couponing trip? Let the Couponing for Beginners Planner walk you through your first coupon trip with ease!
What are your go to coupon sources? Where do you go to get coupons?
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